How I do development on PostgreSQL over Emacs by Eduardo Bellani

These days I’m doing quite a lot of work in PostgreSql. Given that my tool of choice is Emacs, I had to learn how to make do. This post’s goal is to document that.

First, I set up a connection

  (add-to-list 'sql-connection-alist
               `(production-read-only (sql-product 'postgres)
                                      (sql-user    "prod_user")
                                      (sql-server "")
                                      (sql-database   "ProdDB")))

Since this uses psql under the covers and I want to not to have to type passwords all the time, I store the passwords in ~/.pgpass.

  # hostname:port:database:username:password

In order to make life a bit better over at psql’s prompt, I have a .psqlrc file with the following:

  \set QUIET 1

  \set PROMPT1 '(%n@%m) [%/] > '
  \set PROMPT2 ''

  \pset null '[null]'
  \set COMP_KEYWORD_CASE upper
  \set HISTSIZE 2000
  \set VERBOSITY verbose
  \pset linestyle unicode
  \pset border 2
  \pset format wrapped

  \set QUIET 0

Finally, I’d like to keep the history of commands. Here is how I enable that on comint-mode:

  (use-package comint
    ;; This is based on
    ;; The idea is to store sessions of comint based modes. For example, to enable
    ;; reading/writing of command history in, say, inferior-haskell-mode buffers,
    ;; simply add turn-on-comint-history to inferior-haskell-mode-hook by adding
    ;; it to the :hook directive
    (defun comint-write-history-on-exit (process event)
      (let ((buf (process-buffer process)))
        (when (buffer-live-p buf)
          (with-current-buffer buf
            (insert (format "\nProcess %s %s" process event))))))

    (defun turn-on-comint-history ()
      (let ((process (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
        (when process
          (setq comint-input-ring-file-name
                (format "~/.emacs.d/inferior-%s-history"
                        (process-name process)))
          (set-process-sentinel process

    (defun mapc-buffers (fn)
      (mapc (lambda (buffer)
              (with-current-buffer buffer
                (funcall fn)))

    (defun comint-write-input-ring-all-buffers ()
      (mapc-buffers 'comint-write-input-ring))

    (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'comint-write-input-ring-all-buffers)
    (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'comint-write-input-ring))

  (use-package sql
    :after comint
    (add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook 'turn-on-comint-history)
    (setq sql-password-wallet (list "~/.authinfo.gpg")))