What is a good manager? by Eduardo Bellani

It is hard to do science without proper definitions. So what is a manager?

Abstracting from (Horstman 2016), my definition of a manager is the following:

A manager continuously balances present output with creating the conditions of future output.

Figure 1: The Good Sheperd, emblem found in a Roman catacomb, sec III

Figure 1: The Good Sheperd, emblem found in a Roman catacomb, sec III

As one can see, this definition is similar to an investor. That is expected, since a manager is an investor of a company’s resources. 1

As an illustration, a manager can usually deliver more results in the present by burning up people. This probably will increase turnover in the future. Is it the right choice? Only with a holistic view and sound judgement can one decide correctly.

Given this definition, one can easily see that a good manager is not some things:


Horstman, M. 2016. The Effective Manager. Wiley. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/The+Effective+Manager-p-9781119244608.

  1. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=microservices ↩︎